Tuesday 15 February 2011

Sugar Cookie Scandal !

Yesterday my two best friends and I decided to bake cookies for our friends.  Scratch that, I baked them, they helped me decorate them.  They are sugar cookies with royal icing.  I tried a new recipe for the icing, instead of using meringue powder I used egg whites.  I must say I like this icing a lot better.  We took them to school and they were a hit.  Everyone wanted one, unfortunatley I didnt have enough for all my friends.  I also tried a new recipe for the cookies and I think I like this one better too.  It make around fifty cookies to be dividd between the three of us.  Someday I hope to open up a little bakery in a busy city.

These two heart shaped cookies were designed by Danielle Cheverton my best friend, as was the start.

For these two we used our Mickey Mouse cut out, the one on the left is supposed to be Minnie Mouse, but Cindy said it looked more like a cat.

The top cookie says 'sohs' which is our schools initials.

1 comment:

  1. What I love most about this post is the last sentence, about opening up a little bakery in the city. That's a wonderful dream, and I know just how you feel! Keep on baking and it'll happen someday. Do you know Julia Child's famous quotation? She said, "Find something that you're passionate about and stay incredibly interested in it." I think that's very good advice. :)

    Jane (from Jane's Sweets)
